Category Archives: Uncategorized

But wait, there’s more! (stuff to win)

It usually takes a few days after the run to tie up loose ends and get everything back in its proper place. I seem to always forget something! This year it was the brilliant tire patch kits that I was supposed to give out at the campsite from our friends at Progressive Suspension. They also sent a fork spring kit and a set of Classic 412 Shocks for the Big Prize winners! Thanks Guys! So what to do with 25 brilliant tire patch kits? I know. I still feel bad for selling out of shirts so quick so I will randomly add these and some cool stickers to the Gypsy Run X Shirt Post Sale. Ok so that’s that… I feel like we can do better. OK! how about this. One randomly chosen order will get, A patch kit. Two Kickstart shop shirts, and a $100 gift certificate from our friends at Biltwell. Thats better! You have till 12 Noon EST on Sunday Sept. 18 to get your order in. We will then pick the winner. Print all the orders and have everything in the mail to you post haste!

Good Luck!patch





Watch this…

For the past few year’s I have been posting video updates. They were a fun and easy way to get everyone up to speed. I haven’t had a chance to do one this year but if you can sit through last year’s, the MAJOR points remain the same. We spent a ton on special effects, but it was worth every dime!

Longtime friend and sponsor LOWBROW Customs did this great recap for last year’s run.

Here are a few more from last year…

Papa’s got a brand NEW Bag!

The other day I told you about the amazing Motostuka U Bag travel satchel stuffed to the brim with sponsor based goodness.  Well I have another equally brilliant prize for you to strive for. A few years ago Dice magazine did a Biltwell Issue. When you ordered the issue you got a Limited edition Biltwell sissy bar bag as well. The Bag sold out in 32 Seconds. There is no more. They don’t plan on re-issuing it and your chance of getting one is slim to none. Till now. I have one that I am going to stuff full of stuff you want and need. I am going to give this away on Saturday nite’s awards prestention for… something. I don’t know yet, but it will be earned in the best way possible. See you this weekend!



Games of Skill! (and stupidity.)

Well is is that time of year. The inspiring, Herculean effort by our brave Olympians got me thinking about the annual gypsy run games.They have been good in the past, but I know we can do better. Ya know… for America!

Introducing the 2016 Gypsy Run Games!

  • Ax throwing
  • Knife throwing
  • Archery
  • Dunlop Horseshoes
  • Kayak Races ( Kayaks towed by motorcycles around a corse.)

We obviously have given this a lot of thought so it’s understandable that we have little to no rules as of today. You can sign up on Friday at the T-shirt booth and we should have all the details worked out by then.

Good Luck and Godspeed!


The Gypsy Run Tattoo Shop. UPDATE!


Due to circumstances beyond his control Mike will not be able to attend this year’s run. He sends his apologies. Next time you are in Brooklyn visit him at Flyrite Tattoo.

Saturday Night marks the return of Mike Lucena’s Gypsy Run Tattoo Shop.

He is going to work as long as he can or until he runs out of ink. We will have a sign up sheet at the T-shirt booth starting Friday.

How to Ride with a Pack (REPOST)

I posted three years ago. Still worth a read.

I’ve been thinking a lot about crashing lately. Over the past year it seems that not a month goes by without news of a horrible motorcycle accident that involves someone I know. Our friend TWT Mike just lost his leg in a motorcycle accident, and has a long road ahead of him before he fully recovers. All because someone was not paying attention. That is all it takes, one split second and your life changes. On the run last year we had a few fine fellows hit the dirt. Many more than I would have liked to see. Luckily everybody was okay and the worst injury was broken toe. This year lets shoot for none. No crashing would be great.
HERE is a link to a CHOP CULT article that Biltwell Bill wrote a few years ago about Pack riding. Read it. Written in his patented smart ass style, the article has tips that everyone could benefit from. Wether its your first year on the road or your fiftieth. Included is a copy of the story “HOW TO RIDE IN A PACK” originally published in Roth’s “Choppers” Magazine in 1967. See ya soon. ~Walter

“One inevitable thing about contemporary grass roots events is that it’s easy to find yourself riding in a large pack of bikes, most of them piloted by people you don’t even know yet. Of course this can be fun or a complete ball-up depending on where you are in the pack and who you end up next to, behind, etc. While the accompanying story originally published in Roth’s “Choppers” Magazine in ’67 may be old, the concepts are not outdated, only accentuated by the diverse machines and high speeds that mix it up in today’s group rides. The Big Daddy’s advice may lean more toward beginning club riders, but these lessons can be valuable to today’s noob rider as well.” Click here to read the rest of the article…

Details for Camping

Starting today you can reserve your Campsite for the Gypsy Run.

To make it easier on everyone The campsite will be handling the reservations directly.

The campsite fee for this year is $20 per person per night.

Narrowsburg Campground
(69 De Mauro Lane, Narrowsburg, NY 12764)

When you call make sure you mention the Gypsy Run.
Toll Free: (800) 252-3925


Monday – Friday 9am to 8pm
Saturday – 8am to 8pm
Sunday – 8am to 7pm

Itinerary for GRX

Hello fellow and future Gypsy Runners! Here is a basic rundown for this year’s run

Friday Sept. 9th

  • Meet at Cool Beans Coffee Shop in Oradell NJ
  • Kickstands up at 10am
  • Ride all day through the Catskills region of New York (Around 250mi)
  • Arrive at our Campsite around 5pm
  • Dinner around 8pm
  • Music, Movies and drinks all night.

Sat. Sept 10th.

  • Wake up
  • Choose your own Route! We will have several maps to choose from. Ride as little or as much as you want.
  • Back to the campsite for Dinner and games of skill and stupidity.
  • Awards presentation.
  • Continue with the fun…

Sun. Sept 11th

  • Get up.
  • Clean up after yourself.
  • Ride home to the warm embrace of your loved ones