As always, there are no fees to participate on the run. The only thing you have to pay for is your gas and camping spot. The fees are, $10.00 Friday Night and $10.00 Saturday, ($16 if you want a lean to) Friday night you can pay when we get there, for Saturday night I would recommend calling up the campsite and reserving a Lean to if you want one. They go fast. As for the beer and food, as always Friday and Saturday nights the beer is free while it lasts. Friday night, here are places to eat near the campsite, or you can bring something with you. We will be having a cookout Saturday night. Our friend Papas, will be grilling up something nice for everyone. Cool?
Camp Site Friday Sept. 9th
Moc-A-Tek Camp Ground
Piefer Rd, Lakeville, PA
(570) 226-3433 ·
(Link to map)
Camp Site Saturday Sep. 10th
Landers Campsite
40 skinner’s falls west,
Narrowsburg, NY 12764
(Link to map)