Get on yer bike. Follow Fritz. UPDATE

When the Gypsy Run started the idea was to have a simple thing that was about riding… and having fun, but mostly about riding. There wasn’t a lot of options eight years ago. I hated going to a “Charity Run” that involved more paperwork than actual miles ridden. Nobody is challenging themselves or learning anything in 40 miles. That is a commute. That is the core of why we put on this run. It is not for everyone. It is a bit of a challenge. You find out what kind of a rider you are. You get to know people, really get to know them. Remember that when you are riding through the rain, fixing a flat or kicking your bike for the hundredth time. Since this is the year of trying new things here is another one. NO ROUTE MAPS. There are many reasons why this is a good idea (I’m sure you can think of one right now). The best reason is to add a bit of uncertainty to it. It’s getting more and more difficult to just “get lost” these days. Stay with the pack or find your own way, you are going to have a great weekend and come home with stories worth telling.
All that being said, We will have a pocket guide with all the important info on it in the downloads section tomorrow. Addresses, phone numbers, a few key waypoints. All the info is already on  I know I say this every year but this is going to be the best year yet!  ~Walter