GR5 sponsor and motorcycle enthusiast Chris Moeller of S&M Bikes sent us a Custom CR 24 BIG BMX CRUSER bike to raffle off to some lucky Gypsy Runner. While we were talking we thought it might be cool to have our resident artist Kris Henderschott paint it to make it even more better. (he is feverishly working to get it done now!) Then we decided we should do something worthwhile with the money so we decided to raffle off the ONE OF A KIND S&M CR24 GYPSY RUN SPECIAL and donate ALL the proceeds to AIDAN HAS A POSSE. If you are unfamiliar with Aidan’s story click the link. If you do know and would like to make a donation, we set up a paypal thing over there in the sidebar to make it easy for ya. We will be selling raffle tickets for $5 each at the PRE-Party, and on the Gypsy Run. When we figure out when the drawing will be, you will be the first to know. Thanks ~ Walter
Chris Moeller of S&M Bikes Handsome, ain’t he?
Kris’ first sketch.